76:05 Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Adel Taarabt by Glen Johnson. Direct free kick taken by Adel Taarabt.
75:01 The referee penalises Clint Hill for handball. Steven Gerrard delivers the ball from the free kick right-footed from right channel, save made by Soares Julio Cesar.
73:57 Daniel Agger takes a shot. Nedum Onuoha gets a block in. Corner taken by Luis Suarez, save by Soares Julio Cesar.
73:44 Short corner worked by Luis Suarez.
72:21 The referee blows for offside. Jose Reina takes the free kick.
71:32 Daniel Agger fouled by Jamie Mackie, the ref awards a free kick. Martin Skrtel restarts play with the free kick.
70:33 Substitution (Liverpool) makes a substitution, with Jesus Fernandez Saez coming on for Sanchez Jose Enrique.
68:41 Stephane Mbia produces a right-footed shot from the edge of the box and misses to the right of the goal.
68:41 Effort from the edge of the area by Stephane Mbia goes wide of the right-hand post.
65:57 Stephane Mbia takes a shot. Save by Jose Reina.
65:14 Corner taken by Stewart Downing, Shaun Derry manages to make a clearance.
62:21 Esteban Granero fires a strike on goal direct from the free kick.
62:21 Substitution Leiva Lucas comes on in place of Jordan Henderson.
62:21 Substitution (QPR) makes a substitution, with Esteban Granero coming on for Samba Diakite.
62:21 Daniel Agger is adjudged to have handled the ball.
60:42 Adel Taarabt takes a shot. Save made by Jose Reina.
60:06 A cross is delivered by Armand Traore.
58:41 Samba Diakite takes a shot. Blocked by Daniel Agger.
58:51 Corner taken by Adel Taarabt.
58:41 Samba Diakite takes a shot. Daniel Agger gets a block in.
57:21 Unfair challenge on Daniel Agger by Jamie Mackie results in a free kick. Daniel Agger takes the direct free kick.
56:38 Martin Skrtel restarts play with the free kick.
56:38 Booking The referee cautions Stephane Mbia for unsporting behaviour.
55:40 The official flags Jamie Mackie offside. Jose Reina takes the indirect free kick.
53:32 Shot from deep inside the area by Jordan Henderson clears the bar.
53:32 Shot from deep inside the area by Jordan Henderson goes over the bar.
53:08 Corner taken short by Stewart Downing.
52:45 Luis Suarez delivers the ball, Nedum Onuoha manages to make a clearance.
50:18 Foul by Joe Allen on Adel Taarabt, free kick awarded. Direct free kick taken by Stephane Mbia.
50:01 Corner taken right-footed by Steven Gerrard from the left by-line, save made by Soares Julio Cesar.
49:43 Luis Suarez takes a shot. Soares Julio Cesar makes a brilliant save.
47:12 Sanchez Jose Enrique fouled by Shaun Wright-Phillips, the ref awards a free kick. Luis Suarez crosses the ball in from the free kick, Adel Taarabt manages to make a clearance.
45:01 The second half begins.
45:01 Substitution Shaun Derry joins the action as a substitute, replacing Djibril Cisse.
45:00 Half Time The whistle is blown to end the first half.
44:33 Adel Taarabt has an effort at goal from outside the penalty area which goes wide right of the goal.
41:57 The ball is swung over by Stewart Downing, clearance made by Nedum Onuoha.
41:33 Foul by Samba Diakite on Steven Gerrard, free kick awarded. Jordan Henderson restarts play with the free kick.
40:21 Shot by Steven Gerrard from outside the box goes over the net.
39:21 Adel Taarabt takes a shot. Save by Jose Reina.
39:03 The ball is swung over by Shaun Wright-Phillips, Glen Johnson makes a clearance.
38:37 Glen Johnson gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Armand Traore. Free kick taken by Adel Taarabt.
38:15 Djibril Cisse gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Daniel Agger. Free kick taken by Jose Reina.
36:54 Steven Gerrard takes a shot. Armand Traore gets a block in.
35:38 Raheem Sterling sends in a cross, save made by Soares Julio Cesar.
34:14 Luis Suarez takes a shot. Ryan Nelsen gets a block in.
31:44 Jordan Henderson has a shot on goal from outside the box which misses right.
31:28 Raheem Sterling decides to take a short corner.
31:23 The ball is delivered by Steven Gerrard, clearance by Shaun Wright-Phillips.
30:26 Adel Taarabt takes a shot. Comfortable save by Jose Reina.
29:44 Luis Suarez takes a shot. Blocked by Ryan Nelsen.
29:10 Steven Gerrard takes the outswinging corner, Clint Hill manages to make a clearance.
27:01 Assist by Steven Gerrard.
27:01 Goal - Daniel Agger - QPR 0 - 3 Liverpool Daniel Agger finds the back of the net with a headed goal from close in. QPR 0-3 Liverpool.
26:49 Short corner taken by Stewart Downing from the right by-line.
25:38 Steven Gerrard takes a shot. Save made by Soares Julio Cesar.
25:11 Short corner taken by Stewart Downing.
24:19 Stewart Downing takes a shot.
21:35 Shot on goal by Luis Suarez from just inside the area clears the crossbar.
21:02 Strike by Stephane Mbia from inside the six-yard box clear the bar.
20:07 Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Stephane Mbia by Steven Gerrard. Strike on goal comes in from Adel Taarabt from the free kick.
19:08 Djibril Cisse is ruled offside. Free kick taken by Martin Skrtel.
17:15 Free kick awarded for a foul by Samba Diakite on Raheem Sterling. Free kick taken by Daniel Agger.
16:32 Adel Taarabt takes a shot.
15:23 The assist for the goal came from Stewart Downing.
15:23 Goal - Luis Suarez - QPR 0 - 2 Liverpool Goal scored by Luis Suarez from close range high into the middle of the goal. QPR 0-2 Liverpool.
9:51 The assist for the goal came from Jordan Henderson.
9:51 Goal - Luis Suarez - QPR 0 - 1 Liverpool Luis Suarez fires in a goal from inside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. QPR 0-1 Liverpool.
3:20 Free kick awarded for a foul by Joe Allen on Adel Taarabt. Free kick taken by Stephane Mbia.
2:51 Joe Allen takes a shot.
2:36 Luis Suarez takes a shot. Soares Julio Cesar makes a save.
1:44 Glen Johnson delivers the ball, Clint Hill manages to make a clearance.
0:00 The referee gets the match started.
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