Eden Hazard takes a shot. Save made by Jamie Ashdown.
69:19Michael Tonge restarts play with the free kick.
69:19 BookingBooking The referee shows Ryan Bertrand a yellow card.
69:09Unfair challenge on Luciano Becchio by Ryan Bertrand results in a free kick.
67:17 SubstitutionSubstitution Aidan White on for Jerome Thomas.
67:17Effort on goal by El-Hadji Diouf from just outside the penalty area goes harmlessly over the target.
65:40Assist on the goal came from Juan Mata.
65:40 Goal scoredGoal - Victor Moses - Leeds Utd 1 - 3 Chelsea Goal scored by Victor Moses from outside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. Leeds 1-3 Chelsea.
65:03Michael Tonge has an effort at goal from outside the penalty area missing to the wide left of the goal.
63:59Assist on the goal came from Frank Lampard.
63:59 Goal scoredGoal - Branislav Ivanovic - Leeds Utd 1 - 2 Chelsea Branislav Ivanovic grabs a goal from close range to the bottom left corner of the goal. Leeds 1-2 Chelsea.
63:30Inswinging corner taken by Frank Lampard,
62:15Frank Lampard takes a shot. Save by Jamie Ashdown.
61:50Foul by Michael Tonge on Emboaba Oscar, free kick awarded. David Luiz takes the direct free kick.
60:25Foul by Ryan Bertrand on Luciano Becchio, free kick awarded. El-Hadji Diouf crosses the ball from the free kick right-footed from right wing, Frank Lampard makes a clearance.
59:38 SubstitutionSubstitution Marko Marin leaves the field to be replaced by Eden Hazard.
58:34Jerome Thomas takes a shot. Save by Petr Cech.
58:04Fernando Torres takes a shot. Jamie Ashdown makes a save.
56:23Michael Brown gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Juan Mata. Direct free kick taken by David Luiz.
55:54The ball is sent over by Victor Moses, clearance by Lee Peltier.
55:34Centre by El-Hadji Diouf, Petr Cech makes a save.
46:02Assist on the goal came from Victor Moses.
46:02 Goal scoredGoal - Juan Mata - Leeds Utd 1 - 1 Chelsea Juan Mata gets on the score sheet with a goal from just outside the area to the bottom left corner of the goal. Leeds 1-1 Chelsea.
45:01The second half begins.
45:00 +3:12 Half timeHalf Time The first half comes to an end.
45:00 +2:55Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Cesar Azpilicueta by El-Hadji Diouf. Direct free kick taken by Frank Lampard.
45:00 +2:18Inswinging corner taken by Juan Mata from the right by-line, clearance made by Tom Lees.
45:00 +0:33Michael Brown gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Emboaba Oscar. Frank Lampard has an effort direct from the free kick, Jamie Ashdown makes a save.
43:42Inswinging corner taken from the left by-line by El-Hadji Diouf. Tom Lees produces a header from inside the six-yard box that clears the bar.
42:23Fernando Torres is caught offside. Jamie Ashdown takes the indirect free kick.
41:16Cesar Azpilicueta produces a right-footed shot from inside the area that clears the bar.
40:49Frank Lampard takes a shot. Save by Jamie Ashdown.
38:00Emboaba Oscar produces a right-footed shot from outside the penalty box and misses right.
36:29Jerome Thomas provided the assist for the goal.
36:29 Goal scoredGoal - Luciano Becchio - Leeds Utd 1 - 0 Chelsea Luciano Becchio finds the back of the net with a goal from deep inside the penalty box to the bottom left corner of the goal. Leeds 1-0 Chelsea.
34:26Shot by Branislav Ivanovic from a long way out goes over the net.
33:26Paul Green takes a shot. Save by Petr Cech.
31:14David Luiz takes a shot. Blocked by Tom Lees.
30:26Outswinging corner taken by Marko Marin from the right by-line, clearance made by Luciano Becchio.
29:03Inswinging corner taken by El-Hadji Diouf from the left by-line played to the near post, Fernando Torres makes a clearance.
26:36The assistant referee flags for offside against El-Hadji Diouf. Indirect free kick taken by David Luiz.
26:13The referee blows for offside. Jamie Ashdown takes the indirect free kick.
25:17Juan Mata takes a shot. Blocked by Jason Pearce. Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Juan Mata, clearance by Samuel Byram.
22:41Victor Moses takes a shot. Save by Jamie Ashdown. Inswinging corner taken left-footed by Juan Mata from the right by-line.
17:22Emboaba Oscar challenges Michael Brown unfairly and gives away a free kick. El-Hadji Diouf sends in a cross, Headed effort from inside the box by Jason Pearce misses to the right of the target.
14:17El-Hadji Diouf restarts play with the free kick.
14:17 BookingBooking Booking for Frank Lampard for unsporting behaviour.
14:06Free kick awarded for a foul by Frank Lampard on El-Hadji Diouf.
12:18Michael Tonge gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Juan Mata. Free kick taken by Juan Mata. Corner from the right by-line taken by Juan Mata, clearance by Luciano Becchio.
11:36Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on David Luiz by Michael Brown. Free kick taken by David Luiz.
9:28Foul by Frank Lampard on Samuel Byram, free kick awarded. The free kick is swung in right-footed by El-Hadji Diouf.
8:45Fernando Torres is flagged offside by the assistant referee. Jamie Ashdown takes the indirect free kick.
8:13Luciano Becchio gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Branislav Ivanovic. Branislav Ivanovic restarts play with the free kick.
5:56Victor Moses takes a shot. Jamie Ashdown makes a save. Inswinging corner taken by Marko Marin, clearance made by Tom Lees.
3:09A cross is delivered by El-Hadji Diouf, save by Petr Cech.
2:22Handball by Juan Mata. Jamie Ashdown restarts play with the free kick.
0:00The match begins.
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