Monday, 26 November 2012

The price to pay: BBC agreed £3k fee for false Newsnight abuse story -

The BBC agreed to pay more than £3,000 for the disastrous report which led to Lord McAlpine being falsely accused of child abuse, it has emerged.

It arranged to pay the cash to the independent Bureau of Investigative Journalism (BIJ) in return for its lead reporter, Angus Stickler, to be seconded to Newsnight.

There, he presented the report wrongly claiming that a senior Tory had been accused of abuse.

Details of the arrangement were disclosed as the bureau released the findings of its own internal inquiry playing down its role in the fiasco.

It insisted that the BBC had "complete control" over the report and that no one at the bureau other than Mr Stickler and his editor Iain Overton, who has since resigned, had any involvement.

The report, by the bureau's trustees, discloses that a fee of £3,250 was arranged for Mr Stickler's involvement, which lasted around five days.

But it does not say explicitly that it was bureau itself and not Mr Stickler was to be paid the fee for his involvement.

It also admits it had been a "serious mistake" to allow the arrangement and says that claims about its involvement had been exaggerated by Mr Overton.

The review also discloses that neither the bureau's trustees or its editorial board, which oversee its investigations, knew about Mr Stickler's involvement with the report until a few hours before it was broadcast.

The admissions will come as an embarrassment to Sir David Bell, a senior adviser to the Leveson inquiry into press standards which is due to issue its recommendations this week, who is one of the trustees.

Mr Stickler, who covered the abuse scandal involving children's homes in north Wales in the 1980s, was hired by the BBC to lead a Newsnight investigation into claims of an alleged paedophile ring with political links.

The report, broadcast on November 2, contained an allegation by Steve Messham, a former children's home resident, that an unnamed Tory had abused him.

Lord McAlpine was subsequently widely named on the internet as the man to whom he had been referring.

But, after being shown a photograph of the peer, Mr Messham realised he was wrong and apologised unreservedly.

The admission sent the BBC into crisis and triggered the resignation of George Entwistle, the director general.

A BBC inquiry has already found that the report had been rushed out without basic editorial checks being made and highlighted a lack of clarity about who was in charge.

Lord McAlpine has agreed a £185,000 libel settlement with the BBC and a £125,000 settlement with ITV for their roles in fuelling the rumours.

In their report, the BIJ trustees insist: "The Trustees have concluded that Mr Stickler was seconded to the BBC pursuant to an agreement whereby they paid for his secondment to help make a programme over which the BBC had complete control and which was subject to editing, vetting and direction by their lawyers and editors.

"The Bureau had no responsibility for the making or transmission of the programme."

- Meanwhile, comic Alan Davies said he only retweeted Lord McAlpine's name in connection with the false allegations by mistake.

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