Mario Gotze takes a short corner.
115:14Philip Lahm crosses the ball. Clearance made by Gary Cahill.
114:12Mario Gotze takes a shot. Petr Cech blocks the effort with their feet .Franck Ribery takes a short corner.
112:05Corner taken by Mario Gotze. Frank Lampard makes a clearance. Shot by David Alaba went wide left of the target.
112:05 SubstitutionSubstitution Eden Hazard leaves the field to be replaced by John Terry.
112:05The ball is swung over by David Alaba. Xherdan Shaqiri takes a shot. Mikel gets a block in.
109:55Xherdan Shaqiri sends in a cross. Clearance made by Gary Cahill.
108:55Franck Ribery decides to take a short corner.
108:39The ball is delivered by David Alaba. Mikel gets a block in.
108:15Short corner worked by Xherdan Shaqiri.
107:41Headed cross/shot by Aguinaga Javi Martinez. Petr Cech dives and deflects the ball away.Short corner taken by Philip Lahm from the right by-line. The ball is sent over by Mario Gotze. Aguinaga Javi Martinez takes a shot. A parry by Petr Cech prevents the goal.
106:27Mario Mandzukic concedes a free kick for a foul on Eden Hazard. Free kick taken by Petr Cech.
106:05Mario Gotze takes a shot. Blocked by Gary Cahill.
105:01The second half of extra time gets under way.
104:32Corner taken short by Xherdan Shaqiri. Shot by Jerome Boateng went wide of the left-hand upright.
104:21Franck Ribery crosses the ball. Gary Cahill makes a clearance.
104:09The ball is swung over by Philip Lahm. Clearance made by Gary Cahill.
103:50Philip Lahm produces a cross. Clearance made by Branislav Ivanovic.
103:10Corner taken short by Franck Ribery.
102:58The referee blows for offside. Aguinaga Javi Martinez takes the free kick.
102:10Foul by Mario Mandzukic on Gary Cahill, free kick awarded. Petr Cech takes the free kick.
99:50Shot by Xherdan Shaqiri went wide of the left-hand upright. Short corner worked by Franck Ribery.
98:50 BookingBooking
98:29David Alaba takes a shot and went wide left of the target. Romelu Lukaku goes into the book.
97:40The ball is delivered by David Alaba. Petr Cech safely holds on.
96:56 SubstitutionSubstitution Romelu Lukaku comes on in place of Fernando Torres.
96:40The ball is delivered by Philip Lahm.
94:49Petr Cech restarts play with the free kick.
94:49 SubstitutionSubstitution Xherdan Shaqiri comes on in place of Arjen Robben.
94:49Unfair challenge on Ashley Cole by Philip Lahm results in a free kick.
92:33Assist on the goal came from David Luiz.
92:33 Goal scoredGoal - Eden Hazard - Bay Munich 1 - 2 Chelsea Eden Hazard scores with their right foot. Bayern Munich 1-2 Chelsea.
90:19Foul by David Luiz on Mario Mandzukic, free kick awarded. Arjen Robben crosses the ball in from the free kick.
90:00 +3:18The whistle goes to signal the end of normal time, with extra time looming.
89:44Foul by Bonfim Dante on Fernando Torres, free kick awarded. David Luiz has a shot from the free kick which hits the wall.
89:21 BookingBooking
89:21Fernando Torres is given a yellow card.
88:00Franck Ribery takes the chance to get an effort at goal and missed to the right of the goal.
86:04Petr Cech takes the free kick.
86:04 SubstitutionSubstitution Mikel replaces Andre Schurrle.
86:04Free kick awarded for a foul by David Alaba on Branislav Ivanovic.
84:54 DismissalDismissal
84:43Foul by Nascimento Ramires on Mario Gotze, free kick awarded. Nascimento Ramires is sent off by the referee for second bookable offence. Philip Lahm takes the free kick.
83:59 BookingBooking
83:54Free kick awarded for a foul by Jerome Boateng on Emboaba Oscar. Jerome Boateng is shown a yellow card. The ball is delivered by Frank Lampard. Gary Cahill takes a shot. A parry by Manuel Neuer prevents the goal.
83:03Short corner worked by Arjen Robben. Franck Ribery delivers the ball. Toni Kroos takes a shot. Petr Cech safely holds on.
82:45Toni Kroos takes a shot. David Luiz gets a block in.
82:03Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Ashley Cole by Arjen Robben. Petr Cech takes the free kick.
80:49Mario Mandzukic fouled by Branislav Ivanovic, the ref awards a free kick. Franck Ribery takes the free kick.
80:00Mario Gotze takes a shot. Blocked by Gary Cahill.
77:52Corner taken by Frank Lampard. Header at goal by Branislav Ivanovic hits the woodwork. Andre Schurrle is ruled offside. Free kick taken by Manuel Neuer.
77:33Nascimento Ramires takes a shot. Blocked by Bonfim Dante.
75:15Foul by Franck Ribery on Branislav Ivanovic, free kick awarded. Gary Cahill restarts play with the free kick.
74:57Jerome Boateng takes a shot. Petr Cech catches the ball.
73:35Toni Kroos takes the chance to get an effort at goal and missed to the right of the net.
73:15Corner from the right by-line taken by Arjen Robben.
72:26Foul by Ashley Cole on Mario Gotze, free kick awarded. Mario Gotze restarts play with the free kick.
71:23Fernando Torres gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Aguinaga Javi Martinez. Free kick taken by Bonfim Dante.
70:44Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Eden Hazard by Franck Ribery. Free kick taken by Petr Cech.
70:06 SubstitutionSubstitution Thomas Muller leaves the field to be replaced by Mario Gotze.
69:49Thomas Muller takes a shot. Blocked by Nascimento Ramires.
69:20Corner taken by Frank Lampard.
69:02Emboaba Oscar takes a shot. Bonfim Dante gets a block in.
68:47Nascimento Ramires takes a shot. Manuel Neuer safely holds on.
68:31Eden Hazard takes a shot. Manuel Neuer catches the ball.
67:35Corner from the left by-line taken by Franck Ribery. Shot by Franck Ribery went wide right of the target.
66:03 BookingBooking
65:49Unfair challenge on Mario Mandzukic by David Luiz results in a free kick. David Luiz receives a caution for unsporting behaviour. Philip Lahm restarts play with the free kick.
65:03Corner taken by Philip Lahm. The ball is crossed by Franck Ribery. Clearance made by David Luiz.
63:57 BookingBooking
63:54Nascimento Ramires concedes a free kick for a foul on Franck Ribery. Caution for Nascimento Ramires. Franck Ribery crosses the ball in from the free kick. David Luiz manages to make a clearance.
63:09Emboaba Oscar takes a shot. Manuel Neuer parries the effort to safety. Shot by Frank Lampard went over.
61:56Corner taken by Frank Lampard.
61:37Andre Schurrle delivers the ball. Clearance made by Philip Lahm.
61:13Toni Kroos challenges Emboaba Oscar unfairly and gives away a free kick. Emboaba Oscar restarts play with the free kick.
58:17Franck Ribery takes a shot. Emboaba Oscar gets a block in.
57:54Aguinaga Javi Martinez takes a shot. Blocked by Gary Cahill.
57:38Centre by Franck Ribery. Clearance made by Ashley Cole.
54:10 SubstitutionSubstitution Aguinaga Javi Martinez comes on in place of Marcio Rafinha.
54:10Andre Schurrle challenges David Alaba unfairly and gives away a free kick. Franck Ribery delivers the ball. Arjen Robben takes a shot.
53:09The ball is swung over by Thomas Muller. Petr Cech gets a fist to the ball to punch .
51:59David Alaba delivers the ball.
49:42Mario Mandzukic challenges David Luiz unfairly and gives away a free kick. Free kick taken by David Luiz.
49:25Frank Lampard fouled by Toni Kroos, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Branislav Ivanovic.
48:34The ball is delivered by Thomas Muller. Franck Ribery takes the chance to get an effort at goal and missed to the right of the net.
47:59The official flags Fernando Torres offside. Free kick taken by Bonfim Dante.
46:50The assist for the goal came from Toni Kroos.
46:50 Goal scoredGoal - Franck Ribery - Bay Munich 1 - 1 Chelsea Franck Ribery slots the ball right footed into the goal. Bayern Munich 1-1 Chelsea.
45:37Free kick awarded for a foul by Nascimento Ramires on Franck Ribery. Franck Ribery restarts play with the free kick.
45:01The referee blows the whistle to start the second half.
45:00 +0:08 Half timeHalf Time The ref blows to signal half-time.
44:34Arjen Robben takes a shot. Petr Cech catches the ball.
42:33Free kick awarded for a foul by Franck Ribery on Branislav Ivanovic. Petr Cech takes the free kick.
40:54 BookingBooking
40:39Free kick awarded for a foul by Gary Cahill on Thomas Muller. The referee books Gary Cahill for unsporting behaviour. Free kick taken by Bonfim Dante.
39:58Franck Ribery fouled by Nascimento Ramires, the ref awards a free kick. David Alaba restarts play with the free kick.
39:46Corner from the left by-line taken by Frank Lampard.
39:13The ball is delivered by Andre Schurrle. Clearance by Jerome Boateng.
37:44Corner taken by Arjen Robben. David Luiz manages to make a clearance.
37:14Thomas Muller takes a shot. Blocked by Gary Cahill.
35:48Free kick awarded for a foul by Branislav Ivanovic on Mario Mandzukic. David Alaba restarts play with the free kick.
34:45Franck Ribery takes a shot and missed to the right of the goal.
34:09Thomas Muller produces a cross. Clearance made by David Luiz.
33:15Franck Ribery challenges Emboaba Oscar unfairly and gives away a free kick. Free kick taken by Ashley Cole.
31:57Frank Lampard gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Toni Kroos. Jerome Boateng restarts play with the free kick.
30:25The ball is crossed by Andre Schurrle. Fernando Torres takes a shot.
28:30Franck Ribery takes a shot and went wide of the right hand post.
27:09Mario Mandzukic is caught offside. David Luiz takes the free kick.
26:21The ball is swung over by David Alaba. Clearance made by David Luiz.
25:36Andre Schurrle fouled by Marcio Rafinha, the ref awards a free kick. Frank Lampard restarts play with the free kick.
25:07The referee blows for offside against Branislav Ivanovic. David Alaba restarts play with the free kick.
24:29Centre by Eden Hazard. Blocked by Marcio Rafinha.
23:33Foul by David Luiz on Philip Lahm, free kick awarded. Arjen Robben takes the free kick.
23:13Unfair challenge on Toni Kroos by Emboaba Oscar results in a free kick. Toni Kroos restarts play with the free kick.
22:38 BookingBooking
22:30Free kick awarded for a foul by Franck Ribery on Nascimento Ramires. Franck Ribery is cautioned by the ref for unsporting behaviour. Gary Cahill restarts play with the free kick.
22:03Corner taken by Philip Lahm from the right by-line. Clearance made by Fernando Torres.
21:39Franck Ribery takes a shot. Diving save by Petr Cech.
20:16The ball is crossed by David Alaba. Clearance by Ashley Cole.
19:34Mario Mandzukic takes a shot. Blocked by Gary Cahill.
19:08Frank Lampard gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Marcio Rafinha. Jerome Boateng restarts play with the free kick.
16:24Fernando Torres takes a shot and went wide left of the goal.
15:54Arjen Robben crosses the ball. David Luiz manages to make a clearance.
13:24Corner taken by Frank Lampard. Manuel Neuer catches the ball.
12:59The ball is swung over by Emboaba Oscar. Bonfim Dante gets a block in.
12:18Eden Hazard fouled by Marcio Rafinha, the ref awards a free kick. Petr Cech takes the free kick.
11:54The ball is delivered by David Alaba. Clearance by David Luiz.
9:46Toni Kroos fouled by Fernando Torres, the ref awards a free kick. Toni Kroos restarts play with the free kick.
8:50Philip Lahm has an effort at goal. Petr Cech catches the ball.
7:41Andre Schurrle provided the assist for the goal.
7:41 Goal scoredGoal - Fernando Torres - Bay Munich 0 - 1 Chelsea Fernando Torres scores with their right foot. Bayern Munich 0-1 Chelsea.
7:30Andre Schurrle sends in a cross.
6:19Shot by Franck Ribery missed to the right of the net.
5:10Eden Hazard has an effort at goal and missed to the left of the goal.
3:04Mario Mandzukic fouled by David Luiz, the ref awards a free kick. Philip Lahm restarts play with the free kick.
2:39Arjen Robben concedes a free kick for a foul on Ashley Cole. Free kick taken by David Luiz.
1:33The ball is crossed by Jerome Boateng. Header by Mario Mandzukic misses to the right of the target.
0:00The game kicks-off.
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