Monday, 29 April 2013

Google Wallet to include support across multiple platforms? - ITProPortal

Google is currently constructing a new version of Google Wallet.

The Wallet homepage has been changed, and now features the announcement, "The next version of Google Wallet, coming soon."

The option to request an invitation to the service (using Google login information) can also be found there and, intriguingly, the link directs you to a preference page, in which users can specify whether they use Android, iOS or another type of mobile device.

The Google Wallet app has only been available for use on one platform - Android - yet it now looks certain to feature support for multiple platforms. Additionally, since iOS does not pack NFC connectivity, the question surely indicates that NFC capability will no longer be necessary for use of Google Wallet.

Google Wallet enables users to convert their mobile phones to wallets, carrying credit and debit card details in a password-protected environment. It can be used for both online and in-store shopping.

Google has set up two other financial services in addition to Wallet, in the forms of the Google AdWords Business Credit Card and a comparison service for things like current accounts, credit cards and car insurance.

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