It has been a classic victory for common sense over red tape, but it took 18 months and the intervention of the BBC to secure it.
Libby Leary had been banging her head off the wall trying to get signs in her one-way street changed.
In desperation she contacted BBC Newsline through our Facebook page and asked if could we help.
The authorities had taken down the classic 'no entry' sign when they put a bicycle route through Joy Street in Belfast's Markets area.
They had replaced it with a smaller blue sign indicating no access for vehicular traffic.
The problem was that people either didn't understand the new sign, or simply ignored it. Hundreds of cars were routinely driving the wrong way up the one-way street every day, especially at rush hour.
Libby's car had been hit, and she was afraid that pedestrians would be knocked down.
But despite calls and emails to the Department of Regional Development (DRD) and appeals to the police, nothing was done.
Three weeks ago I went to meet Libby and cover the story, and almost immediately things started to move.
First the police turned up to book drivers going the wrong way up the street, then a huge 'no entry' sign was painted on the road at the top of the street.
Finally brand new 'no entry' signs, just like the ones they'd taken down 18 months ago, were put back up.
"I'm thrilled, absolutely thrilled," Libby said.
"I wrote countless emails to the DRD, who told me to get on to the PSNI, which I did, but I was basically ignored.
"I was on the verge of giving up and I contacted the BBC and you worked wonders, so I'm delighted."
She said she's already seen a "massive difference" in the short time the signs have been up.
It hasn't totally solved the problem though, in the hour or so we were filming on Wednesday, two cars went the wrong way up what is now very clearly, a one-way street.
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